vendredi 29 juin 2018

La cigale et la fourmi 🎶

Hello Sprinkles!

Do you know this story? I'm wondering if it was translate in english?
I believe it would translate to "The Grasshopper and the Ant".
Why am I talking about this? Because it's the reason I wasn't good at blogging this past few days!

I'm working in a small play this weekend about the story from Jean de la Fontaine. It's quite funny, and I'm playing a Grasshopper! We sing, act and play music, it's quite fun! 💖 I start to play it tomorrow, we play outside, 3 times a day, but this week-end, it's supposed to be really really hot outside. I will wear a ton of sunscreen and hope I don't get any sunburns! 

After one of the practice this week, the woman who was getting me back home was driving a convertable. It was my first time in that type of cars! It was so much fun! But I got a pretty bad sunburn on the top of my head ^^' ~

I took this photo in the car ! My hair are floating the in the wind ! ~

I will talk to you soon Sprinkles! I enjoy reading the comments you left on our blog, so please continue to support us <3<3

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