vendredi 6 juillet 2018

Spoiled Blueberry

Hi Sprinkles!

Sorry for not writting much in the last few days! I swear I really love doing blogs, I've just been busy these last few days with the end of my intership and then graduation. It's done, it's over, I'm free! Not like I was that busy with homework and stuff since we didn't get any all year XD That's the fun part about working with flowers and plants, you can't bring schoolwork at home to finish it.

So, Wednesday was my last day at this little flower shop. I had so much fun and I was sad they didn't have any hours to give me. But I'm on the top of the list for replacments if someone is sick or on holiday. They loved me as much as I loved working there and I got a nice little gift!

The plant is a Polka Dot, in a really cute pot. I also got bath salts and soaps and a thank you card.

Yesterday (Thrusday) was graduation at school. It was not a big ceremony, since it was only our class. It was so hot in the classrooms! The school only has climatisation in the cafeteria and it was the last day of the heat wave so it was still crazy hot. But we survived, got our fake diplomas (the real ones we'll get in the mail somewhere in the next 6 month XD) and then we talked about our interships. We finished by lunch time and we all had a little party at one of the girls place, it was nice.
One of my classmate had cakes made with our group number. We ate that in class while talking. We had vanilla and chocolate and they were delicious.
An other classmate made little notebooks for everyone with our names and a real flower (it's a type of ranunculus).

One of the teachers, the one who taught all the plants related classes is retiring soon, so she's slowly reducing the number of plants accumulated at school to make it easier on the next teacher (we had over a hundred). I chose this one, it's a pilea
 So yeah, I got spoiled with presents the last 2 days. I'll eventually do a little photoshoot of my plants to present them to you all, I still have 2 more. But for now, I have to get ready, Fani is comming over soon. We're leaving tomorrow morning to go to Quebec City and meet with Millie all day. We also have practice with everyone else Sunday, so I probably won't be able to blog before Monday.

Je vous nem <3

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